encntr.txt The Encounter Charlie and his group of friends are recent graduates from a local city high school. On the streets, few opportunities for employment were available after high school. After a brief period of stealing cars for fun they moved on to stealing them for profit. Later, they began to burglarize homes in the area. The pickings provided more money for them and it was much more prosperous than stealing cars. It is a typical Saturday night for Charlie and the gang. They are driving around searching for just the right house to burglarize. Outside of the city, in a secluded area ,they happen upon a house . The house is a nice ranch style house on a well kept piece of property. The house set back from the rural road on which it is located. A wooded area borders the house on three sides with no other homes for at least a quarter of a mile in either direction. There are two cars in the driveway. Lights are on in a portion of the house but there are no signs of activity. "This has possibilities" Charlie says. " Park down the road away from the house." They pull the van off the road and park it in an old unused lane near the house. In the darkness, they quietly approach the house and cautiously peer into one of the windows. The house is nicely decorated inside. Charlie feels there must be something of value in the house. At another window they see three women sitting in the living room. Even though the house is not empty this time, the gang feels it is a good choice. "There has got to be some stuff in there." Charlie tells the gang. They boldly decide to proceed. To prevent anyone from alerting someone, two members of the gang cut the phone lines to the house. Then they quietly sneak around the house searching for an easy quiet easy way to enter. They find it at an unlocked back door to the kitchen. Quietly, the gang enters the house through the kitchen door. Katie a 38 year old divorcee and her two daughters Lynn and Deb are alone in the house. The women have just begun what they believe will be a quiet Saturday evening. The three are engaged in a casual conversation sitting on the couch in the living room. The television is tuned into Saturday Night Live . The trio is totally unaware of the danger that has visited their home on this dark evening. The gang, two at a time slowly creep through the kitchen and down a small dark hallway that leads to the living room. Charlie stops in the hallway and carefully scrutinizes the surroundings. The women still have not noticed their presence. Lynn gets up from her chair and heads towards the kitchen to get a soda from the refrigerator. She sees a shadowy figure in the hallway and lets out a blood curdling scream. The other women jump to there feet and begin to scatter in fear. The gang springs towards them like a cat after its prey. The six men chase and grab each of the women and after a struggle wrestle them to the floor. The women continue to struggle with the men. One of the gang members pulls out a long stiletto knife and threatens Katie. As quickly as it had begun the struggle stops as the women fear for their lives. Their hands are bound with duct tape behind their backs and sacks from the kitchen are placed over their heads. The men then guide them to the living room sofa and force them to sit. Katie pleads with them not to harm her or her daughters. Charlie questions her about valuables in the house. Katie insists that there is nothing of value in the house. While two members of the gang watch the three women the other four men ransack the house in search of money, jewelry, or anything else of value. The women can hear sounds crashing sounds as they search their home. Failing to find much of value in the house Charlie returns to the living room to question the trio further. Katie continues to insists that they have no valuables in the house and again pleads with the group to leave and not harm her or her daughters. Charlie is furious at the prospect of finding nothing in the house. They have never gone away this empty handed from one of their Saturday night jobs before. In frustration he kicks over a nearby end table shattering the lamp that was located on it. The women are startled at the sudden sound of something in the room breaking. "What are we gone to do with em?" one of the gang members asks. "Shut up! Line them up over there while I have time to think!" a frustrated Charlie instructs the gang. The women are dragged to their feet and lined up facing one of the walls in the living room. He and the others look them over carefully. Katie is 38, her trim statuesque figure, firm tight well proportioned breasts, and long brunette hair makes her look much younger. She was about ready to turn in for the evening and is clad only in a long flannel night gown. Lynn is 18 years old, with long blond hair. She has a firm well proportioned body with long shapely legs. She is in excellent shape from the daily workout routine she developed when she was a cheerleader in high school just a few short months ago. She is dressed in a loose T-Shirt bare at the midriff and faded blue jeans shorts that are very short barely covering her buttocks. Deb is sixteen years old and almost a younger mirror image of her mother. She is dressed in a pink top with lace trimmings, a short blue jean skirt, white ankle socks and shoes. Maybe, Charlie thinks to himself, they won't have to go away with nothing after all. He reaches down and grasps the buttocks of the nearest woman. The feel of firm flesh and no panties serves to confirm his decision. Katie feels one of the men reach down and pinch her backside through her night gown. She realizes that there might be more on their mind than just robbery. She tries to remain calm so as not to endanger the other two girls. Lynn appears confused and disoriented. She can only make out part of what is happening in the room. She is not sure what the group wants from them. The sacks are taken away and makeshift blindfolds are fashioned and placed over their eyes. "Take her back to the bedroom", Charlie says as he points to Deb the youngest of the three. "No please leave her alone" Katie cries out as she tries to turn and face the voice. "Shut up bitch!" Charlie screams as her backhands her across the face. Katie staggers from the blow. Deb is grabbed by two of the gang. Kicking and screaming she is escorted back the hallway to one of the three bedrooms in the house. She is bound with tape to one of the beds and a duct tape is placed across her mouth. The two men then return to the living room. "Please don't hurt us!" Katie pleads with the men. "I can get you some money tomorrow." "Tomorrow is to late for us," Charlie barks at the woman, We want something today! He nods and smiles to two of the men in the gang. They have been waiting for the word from him to proceed and cut the tape from Katie's wrists and push her tightly up against the wall. Katie feels their hands grabbing her body through the night gown. It seems they are everywhere on her body. Charlie signals them to release her. The hands holding her free her momentarily. "Turn around", Charlie bellows to her. Slowly she turns to face the voice. She stands there for what seems forever, unable to see anything due to the blindfold. Then she feels a hand on her hip moving upward on her body, grabbing her breast and squeezing. Katie tries to pull away but can't. Charlie smiles to the others and reaches out for her night gown. The long flannel gown is clutched at the top and pulled downward violently almost pulling her off her feet with the force. Katie hears the sound of tearing fabric and feels her breasts exposed to the open air. Once again the gown is seized ripping it further, exposing her bare shoulders. What is left of the garment is gathered about her slender waist resting on her hips. One final violent pull and the garment is torn completely from her body. Katie feels the colder air in the room against her body. She feels her nipples begin to erect as she is left standing totally nude. Instinctively she tries to cover herself with her hands. She hears voices commenting about her body as they stop to admire it. Two sets of hands now reach out to hold her and run their rough hands over her body. She feels one of the men pinch her firm buttocks while another runs his rough hand over her breasts squeezing her erect nipples. His other hand runs up her thigh and probes between her legs. "Nooo!" she whines in a shrill voice that she barely recognizes as being hers. "Please nooo!" Demented laughter seems to come from several directions and she tries unsuccessfully to twist her lower body areas away from the probing hands. The hand continues to explore running through her soft pubic hair. She feels the lips of her pussy being spread apart and fingers probing her most private areas. "Please stop," she says, "I have some credit cards in my purse. You can have them. Just please don't hurt me or my daughters." "We aren't going to hurt you or your daughters darling," says Charlie, "And we already got your credit cards. We just want to have some fun. Right guys. Now lets have a look at this other one." The other members of the gang now turn their attentions to Lynn. Lynn's blindfold has only partially covering her eyes. She watched in terror as Katies nightgown was torn away and now she sees a couple men in the gang approach her. They cut the tape from her wrists and grab her arms and pin them against both sides of a nearby door frame. Lynn tries to scream but a hand covers her mouth. One of the men reminds here about her sister who is tied up in the back bedroom. "You wouldn't want anything to happen to the younger one would you?" a voice from the room asks. "That goes for both of you. Cooperate with us or she'll get the same thing ." Lynn holds back her scream, but pleads with the men. "Please no!", she begs, "Please! Please leave me alone. Please!" Demented laughter is once again heard. They have no intention of stopping and her pleas only serve to further arose them. With a knife, the T-Shirt is slowly cut from the bottom, slowly working its way upward between her breasts and then finally finishing the cut. Hands grab at the cut T-Shirt as the wrench it from her body. The remaining fabric tears away effortlessly exposing her lacy bra. "Nooo, please stop!" she cries out in a desperate voice. Lynn then feels the blade probe under her bra between her breasts at first teasing her by slightly pulling outward with the blade. Lynn begins to breath in rapid short panicked breaths in fear for her life. Then with a quick outward motion the bra is cut away from her breasts. Her firm young breasts bounce downward slightly, free of their confinement. The straps are cut and her bra falls to the floor. She feels a hand roughly squeeze one of her breast. "WOW! NICE TITS!" she hears one of the men say. Lynn struggles as her shorts are quickly unsnapped. "Nooo! Stop! Please stop, ", she cries. Two hands tug at them roughly, breaking the zipper and ripping them from her hips. Lynn kicks and fights as her shorts are pulled down her long shapely legs. "Help me someone please help me!" she screams. "Ain't no one here gone to help you here sweetheart," one of the men says. "Wow check out these panties everyone" another in the gang says. Lynn is wearing a pair of string bikini style panties that are so shear that they really don't hide much. She feels a finger run over the shear fabric covering her crotch tracing her almost visible cleft. Lynn tries to twist her hips away from the intrusion. The finger runs under the edge of her panties pushing the material aside exposing her soft downy pubic hair. The finger runs partially down her crotch and then back out onto her thigh. There is a brief pause then, she feels a hand clutch the elastic of her panties and pull it outward forcibly. The shear fabric of her panties give way easily and are torn from her shapely hips. What is left of the panties falls the length of her legs to the floor, leaving her totally naked and exposed. "Nooo!" she sobs, "Please don't " She tries to free her hands to cover herself but they are held to tightly. They stop to admire her shapely young body. Lynn can sense the urgency of the men as she hears their breathing increase. In another corner of the room she can her the sounds of Katie pleading with her captors not to rape her along with voices commanding them to carry Katie to the kitchen. Only now does the full intent of the men become apparent to her. My god she thinks to herself, I'm going to be gang raped! She hears Katie struggling as she is dragged out of the room. "Nooo, please nooo stop! Lynn, Lynn, are you OK! Please don't do this to us!" Katie screams. Lynn is released by the men who were holding her arms and she stands there disoriented not knowing what they are going to do to her. She does not have to wait long for things to happen. Powerful hands force to her knees. She feels a hard object being thrust at her closed mouth. "Open your mouth wide girly!" a voice from in front of her says. She tries to keep from opening her mouth and tries to twist her head away to no avail. A hand reaches down and grasps her nose. Her nostrils are pinched closed and she must use her mouth to breath or die. She struggles but eventually must open her mouth. When she opens her mouth to catch a breath of air a cock is immediately thrust in it. He begins thrusting rapidly into her mouth. Lynn gags. She has only once before performed oral sex. She did it once with her boyfriend to satisfy him when the heavy petting got a little carried away one night before graduation. It was either that or go all the way, and she didn't feel she was ready. She recalls that it wasn't that bad except when he wanted to cum in her mouth. She would not allow that then and remembers her boyfriends disappointment. Now she does not have a choice. The thought of this now seems intolerable. She gags again as the cock is thrust deeply into her mouth bouncing off of the back of her throat. "Don't you bite it now bitch or I'll hurt you bad!" the voice in front of her says. The man raping her mouth forces her onto her back and straddles her body across her chest with his legs pinning her to the floor. He is still thrusting his penis into her open mouth. Now she feels fingers begin to roughly probing between her legs. She tries to twist and bring her thighs together but her legs are forced apart. The fingers continue to probe her pulling the lips of her pussy wide open. She feels finger exploring her open cleft, first tormenting her exposed clitoris and then probing until one finger finds its way to her vaginal opening. It first runs around the labia at the entrance to her vagina several times as if to tease her. Then a finger is slowly inserted, exploring her insides deeply. "Jesus Christ guys, I think she's a virgin" a voice cries out. "We hit the fucking jackpot tonight with this one." The man raping her mouth increases his rate of thrusts. She feels his balls bouncing off of her chin as he continues to ramming his cock in and out of her mouth. Hands latch on to the sides of her head and force it to move with the rhythm of his thrusts. He feels his cum beginning to rise and finally can hold back no longer. He groans loudly as his penis explodes with cum in her mouth. Lynn feels hot cum begin to squirt in her mouth for the first time. It squirts again and again, filling her mouth until semen begins dripping from the corners. Lynn gags and chocks at her first taste of cum. There was so much of it she thought. She has to swallow some to clear her mouth. Katie has been carried into the kitchen down the hallway and is being held spread-eagled on the kitchen table. One man is standing at the edge of the table between Katie's legs. Katie feels him rubbing his penis up and down her wide open crack. "Please nooo! Please stop! Please!" she cries out. The man continues to probe her wide open cunt slowly, then upon finding the entrance to her vagina thrusts his penis inside her unprepared pussy. Katie cries out in pain. She is completely dry and the sudden intrusion brings tears to her eyes. He begins thrusting his penis in and out of her at a slow rate. Penetrating her completely, then withdrawing until just the tip of his cock is between her cunt lips, then slowly entering her again. The other men make it worse by pinching, squeezing, rubbing, poking, kissing, licking and sucking her entire body. Men began to play with and suck her tits, their hands squeezing and pinching her erect nipples. Someone covers her mouth with his hand so he wouldn't have to listen to her high pitched yells. Her feet are high off the kitchen table as hands and dicks rub her, enjoying the silky feel of her legs. The table is a small table as kitchen tables go. Katie's head is hanging over the edge on the other end of the table. Two dicks are slapping her face, hitting her cheeks and eyes. Not wanting to waste an ample opportunity to fuck another orifice of her body Charlie positions himself in front of her dangling head. "Open you mouth, I've got a big surprise for you... Ha Ha Ha" He grabs Katie's head and shoves it down further towards the floor pinching to sides of her checks until her mouth opens. Then his now throbbing cock is inserted into her mouth and he begins to slowly rape her mouth. Katie senses that the only way for her to survive without being hurt is to attempt to cooperate with the men. She forms her mouth around the probing cock to allow more friction each time he enters her mouth. At the same time she begins to thrust her hips in rhythm to the thrusts into her now moist vagina. The man who has been slowly fucking her quickens his pace when he feels her hips reacting to his thrusts and abruptly without much warning groans and blows his entire wad of cum in one giant spirt into her pussy. "Jesus she's a good fuck!" he says as he withdraws his cock from her pussy. Quickly he is replaced by another of the group. He begins rapidly thrusting his cock into her now stretched and lubricated pussy. The man who is fucking her mouth increases his pace slightly. Katie draws upon her experience from 10 years of marriage and she uses every trick she learned to help satisfy him quickly. It works. As he is withdrawing his cock partially from her mouth his cock explodes as a wave of orgasm catches him almost by surprise. The first spirt of hot cum shoots over Katie's dangling chin and splatters on her breasts. The second spirt is aimed directly at her mouth and hits its mark. Katie knows that she will have to endure this again but for now she is glad to have his cock out of her mouth. "Wow, what a blowjob" Charlie says. Katie's relief is short lived as another man replaces him with his rock hard cock in her mouth. His cock is larger and it seems he wants it all in her mouth. She can feel it almost enter her throat with each eager thrust. Meanwhile, the man who has been rapidly thrusting his cock in and out of her hot pussy cums and is replaced by another. She is now beginning to feel sore as a result of the multiple penetrations but she tries to relax and give them what they want. The man fucking her mouth quickens his pace. The back of her throat is pounded by his long powerful thrusts. Without any warning he cums shooting his entire wad into her mouth. Katie's mouth fills with cum and it drips from the corner of her open mouth. She swallows the hot cum to keep from chocking. One by one the gang violates her body until each has had her. She hears the sound of the refrigerator open and someone rummaging through it. "Look what I found," one of the men says as he holds up a large cucumber. Katie feels the cold cucumber as it is placed against her violated pussy. Then slowly they begin to push the giant inside her. The coldness of the object is at first almost unbearable and she almost wishes for another warm cock instead. In and out of her pussy the cucumber is pushed stretching her already ill-treated pussy even further. Finally they tire of tormenting her. She is now gagged and bound to a kitchen chair with the cucumber still inserted in her vagina. Her feet and legs are taped to the chair legs in a manner that leaves her legs open showing her sore cucumber filled pussy to all who would look. "Lets go get the other one now", someone says. She hears the men leave the room but can not tell where they are going, after Lynn or after Deb. Lynn who is still in the living room continues to plead with the gang. She wanted to save herself for her wedding night. It was most difficult on recent dates to resist giving in to her current boyfriend, but she did! Now, all of the arguments and fights over the years were for nothing! She is going to be raped! "Please stop" she cries out again. It is to no avail. Seizing her tiny wrists, he pulled her arms over her head and held them in place with one hand while he wedges his legs between her's. He then forces her thighs apart with his knees and puts his long hard dick against the opening of her pussy with his free hand. Lynn she feels something much larger than a finger probing at her virginal pussy. "Please stop", she pleads again "I'm afraid." "Ain't nothing to be afraid about", says the man probing her pussy with his cock, I'm just going to fuck the hell out of you. That's all! ", and he laughs dementedly at her plea Slowly he begins entering her. First just the tip of his cock enters her. Using short steady strokes, he continues pushing inside slowly, making steady progress. "Nnnoo, don't!" Lynn cries out, "Stop it please! I'm a virgin please don't!" He keeps pumping with slow even pressure until he can feel his penis encounter her hymen. He backs off slightly and then rams forward once, twice, then entering her totally with the third thrust. Lynn almost passes out from the quick sharp pain of his forcible entrance, and lets out a high pitched yelp. Without hesitation he begins a steady rhythm with his hips, pushing the entire length of his shaft in and out of her pussy. "Jesus this is one tight pussy!" he announces to the others. Lynn feels a fullness deep inside her body for the first time. She remembers her girlfriends stories of their sexual encounters and tries to remember what they had told her about having sex with their boyfriends. She adjusts her hips slightly to try to allow him more easy access. He continues to ride her and varies his tempo from fast to slow and then back to fast. The pain slowly abates and a new feeling begins to come over Lynn as she feels herself strangely aroused in a manner she has only felt before when she masturbated alone at night in her bedroom. Her hips almost involuntarily begin to move meeting each of his thrusts. She feels a wave forming deep inside of her body growing with each thrust until she is racked by orgasm almost at the same time she feels a hot warm liquid gushing inside her. The man withdraws his cock from her slowly. Sperm, mixed with blood, began to pour from her raped and NO LONGER VIRGIN pussy. Another replaces him and one by one they take turns violating her once virginal hole until she is exhausted from the attacks. When they have stopped she is overwhelmed with guilt about becoming aroused during the attacks. Maybe she asked for it, she thinks to herself. Meanwhile back in the one of the bedrooms in the house Charlie visits Deb who is tied to the bed. Siting on the edge of the bed beside her he removes the tape from her mouth. "Have you ever been fucked? "Charlie asks. "Nnoo. "replies Deb. "Would you like to?" "Not like this." Deb exclaims. "Well maybe we won't fuck you. Maybe we will just have you entertain us and take a few pictures of you." Charlie says tormenting her. " You wouldn't mind doing that instead now would you? How old are you." he asks. Deb does not reply. "I said how old are you" he asks again in a demanding voice. "Ssixteen" Deb replies. "Well Deb," Charlie says, "You're going to entertain us. We are going to make you a star." Charlie removes the tape from Deb and escorts her to the living room of the house. "She going to entertain us with a little show," Charlie tells the others. "Get the video camera setup, and turn on some music." When the camera is set up Charlie begins telling her what to do. "You are going to perform a little strip act for all of us." Start dancing". Deb just stands there doing nothing. Charlie instructs the gang to bring her mother into the room chair and all. They carry her into the living room still strapped to the chair. "Now that we have your mother here maybe you will cooperate! I said dance." Charlie demands. Slowly Deb begins to move her feet and dance slowly. The video camera is turned on to capture the show. "Good! Now slowly unbutton your blouse and take it off." Charlie tells her. Deb slowly unbuttons her blouse and slowly removes it exposing her lacy bra. "Now lets have the bra. Come on take it off", Charlie says. She unhooks her bra and carefully removes it and tosses it off to the side. Her young firm breasts bounce as she continues to dance. "Your breasts are gorgeous." Charlie says. "Now the skirt" She carefully unbuttons her short skirt and lets it fall away from her hips. Deb is wearing white cotton bikini style panties. The video camera catches each action as she continues to dance at Charlie's instructions. Deb is surprised how aroused she is becoming by performing for the group. "Good your doing great" Charlie says. "Now reach down and rub you pussy through your panties." Slowly she moves her hand downward the length of her body and arrives at her crotch which is becoming noticeably damp. She begins fingering herself through her panties pushing the fabric up into the crack between her legs. It feels great! "Great now slide those panties off", Charlie says. Deb reaches for the waist band of her panties. Slowly she pulls them down over hips and lets them fall down her legs to the floor. As they reach her feet she steps out of one side and with a flip of her leg kicks them off across the room. The video camera continues to run recording her as she continues to dance now completely nude, her young breast bouncing as she moves. Without being told, she reaches down and rubs her moist pussy again. "Great, now laydown on your back on the floor and spread you legs" Charlie instructs. Deb positions herself on her back on the floor and spreads her legs slightly. "Wider, spread them wider" Charlie instructs. "We want to get a closeup" Deb opens her creamy thighs wider to give him better access with the camera. Her pussy is now open to allow close up shots of her soft downy pubic hair . "Spread your pussy open for us." Charlie tells her. Deb reaches down and carefully spreads the lips of her pussy wide apart rubbing her clitoris. Charlie is beginning to get a rock hard erection. He decides the video they are now making is not bizarre enough for his taste. He instructs the others to bring get Lynn and bring her over to him. "Get down there and lick your sister's pussy!" Charlie tells her. Lynn is forced onto her hands and knees in front of Deb's pussy. A hand grabs her by the back of her head and pushes her nose up against the lips of her sisters cunt. Deb reaches up and spreads her pussy open wider. "Your not cooperating!" he tells her, "This can either be easy or very hard. The choice is yours." "Please leave me alone" she pleads to Charlie. "Just cooperate I said and It will go easier for you!" Charlie says this time in a more demanding voice. Lynn begins to slowly lick Deb's pussy fearful of what they may do if she doesn't comply. She is repulsed at licking another woman's pussy, but has endured much worse already this evening. Charlie removes his pants and underwear and positions himself behind Lynn. She continues to slowly lap at Deb's pussy. Charlie stares at Lynn's exposed rear as it juts up in the air. He will have her one more time he decides. Charlie lubricates his cock with a little spit. He positions himself and begins to push against the still virginal anus of Lynn. "No stop please!!!" she says. " I'm afraid it will hurt!! Please stop!" Charlie continues, and with constant motion Charlie pushes the head of his penis into the virginaI opening of her anus a little further with each stroke. "Please no" , cries Lynn. "Please stop. " But Charlie continues to insert more of his penis with each stroke. Lynn stops lapping Deb's virginal pussy when the intrusion begins. "Keep licking her pussy," Charlie instructs, "or we'll have to fuck her too!" Lynn continues to tongue Deb's pussy hoping to spare her the from being raped. The video camera continues to record the events. Charlie pushes hard. He feels his penis penetrate her sphincter muscle and enter her. Lynn lets out a shrill yelp from the pain of his entry. She feels his penis slid deep inside of her. Charlie rides her slowly at first until she becomes more accustomed to him then begins rapidly pushing the entire length of his penis in and out of her. He keeps pounding in and out until he can stand no more and cums filling her with a flood of semen. Spent, he stands and with what is left of a flannel night gown cleans his privates and dresses. The women are once again lined up along the wall each of them now totally naked. Katie is so exhausted for her ordeal that she is barely able to stand. Deb has not been raped. They are all still alive and the rapes have stopped for now. "What are we going to do with them" one gang member says. "We can't just let them go." "I have an idea," Charlie says. "We'll take them with us".